Sunday, December 3, 2023

we are Firestorm Gang

 enter at your own risk by Richard Symes

Taekwondo Masters with Monkey Du2

 master - or not ha ha ha ha ha by Richard Symes

How are my two little Monkey Du2 homies

 family is golden to all the good uncles out there one love by Richard Symes

Enter Firestorm Gang dark room

 don't go my little brother go to the light ha ha ha ha ha by Richard Symes

fyi the dark room has weapon and drugs becareful a message to the children out there.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Monkey Du2 Ole' lazy one

boss will always be a boss no matter the age lol by: Richard Symes

Hey cous you took my little homie bike

 Firestorm Gang Mofia " Fire Nuclear" looking out for Kymar, and didn't realize Kimani is Kymar brother lol.

comic strip by Richard Symes

Firestorm Gang with my little homie Monkey Du2 Kymar

 New addition to Monkey Du2 comic by: Kimoni & Richard Symes

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Monkey Du2 family affair

 family portait at the fair comic strip by: Richard Symes

Firestorm Gang on the 8-30pm KMDU2 news by: Kimoni & Richard Symes

those bullies took my lunch money Firestorm Gang by: Kimoni & Richard Symes

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Monkey Du2 Kavier low rider contest

 First medal for the best lower rider with the Firestorm Gang. Kymar: (yeah yeah yeah).

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Monkey Du2 rocking with Impact Taekwondo Center

 kimoni Sy @Impact Taekwondo Center 2-23

united we stand

Brison and Kymar New Gens family memoir

monkey du "life is an open book" on sale @


@ is an apparel, and accessories printing company. Refreshingly different, and where art brings you closer to home.

Delay Gratification Meme By D.r. Caribbean Shores World United



put back together





@ is an apparel, and accessories printing company. Refreshingly different, and where art brings you closer to home.